Tuesday, 11 February 2014

No one has ever become poor by giving.

Luke 6:31 Do to others as you would have them do to you.

I'm a believer in if you do good to the world, a person, anything or anyone, that good will be done to you. 

Today while on a wander round the city, I had a serious realisation of what our society is like, we spend money on things we don't need to impress people we don't like. I, a criminal of this action, realised that I had been literally throwing my money down the drain, even though I'm exposed everyday to people who need the money more than I do. I was wearing an outfit which collectively was probably worth a couple of hundred dollars, which probably isn't actually necessary on my part. 

Today I was walking towards one of the stores where I do a fair amount of my spending. As I strolled I noticed a young woman sitting on the ground, looking like she'd been through a hedge backwards to put it bluntly. She had a cardboard sign, "age 19. Homeless, single, pregnant. Spare change appreciated" 

With about $60 in my purse I could've spent on a new top or shoes or bag or other items my affluenza brainwashed mind was blocked. I believed it was more worth my while to help this woman by spending $5 on a bottle of water and muffin out of a small cafe rather than that pair of shoes I really didnt need. The smile on her face when I gave them to her was heart warming. Knowing that I have done something good for a person was such a rewarding feeling.  

No one has ever become poor my giving to others. Next time you see a person in need, think if that was me would I want them to help me?